2017 NAPLAN results released
The preliminary results of the 2017 NAPLAN tests show a ‘mixed bag’ of improvements and setbacks for student outcomes
The preliminary results of the 2017 NAPLAN tests show a ‘mixed bag’ of improvements and setbacks for student outcomes
ACARA CEO, Robert Randall, dispels some of the common myths and misconceptions about NAPLAN
Students will now sit pen and paper NAPLAN tests next year after all States and Territories abandoned the online trials
For the first time since sample testing began, a small but significant gender gap in science outcomes has emerged – in favour of girls
ACARA is now supporting the teaching of consumer and financial literacy in schools
Finland’s schools, which are considered among the world’s best, have no mandated standardised tests. Some argue that Australia should follow suit.
Making news this week, NAPLAN results are released, a school cops a huge fine and students fall ill after eating toxic substance.
Improving NAPLAN results should stem from evidence-based measures, says Federal Education Minister, Simon Birmingham.
The NAPLAN results have revealed some surprises when it comes to how students are performing in literacy and numeracy.
One state’s principals have warned that their students could fall further behind other states’ literacy and numeracy results when NAPLAN is moved online.