Teachers preparing ‘unlimited strikes’

One state’s teachers could walk off the job as early as next month as wage negotiations approach a deadlock.

The Queensland Teachers Union (QTU) is seeking a 4.5% pay rise, each year for three years.

However, the Queensland Government’s existing wage policy only allows for annual salary increases of 2.5%, which the union says is considerably less than principals in other states.

As negotiations drag on, the QTU said is now preparing for an unlimited number of teacher strikes and wants teachers to vote in support of industrial action.

He added that this would include state-wide 24-hour work stoppages.

“Teachers use industrial action as a last resort, it is not something they rush off and do regularly,” Bates told The Courier Mail.

“If and when it comes to having to take some sort of industrial action, it will be because there is no other option.”

Queensland’s Education Minister, Kate Jones, said the government was continuing to negotiate the new pay deal.

“I am confident we can reach an agreed position without the need for industrial action,” Jones said.

“We continue to approach all enterprise bargaining negotiations in good faith and are working with the union to seek a fair outcome.”