How inclusive are Australia’s schools?
Australia’s schools are making efforts to be more inclusive, so why are students with special needs still feeling isolated?
Student enrolments are up…but not for Catholic schools
Government and Independent schools are struggling to keep up with the climbing student enrolments, so what’s up with the Catholic sector?
Why the future is bright for aspiring principals
The Educator speaks to AITSL CEO, Mark Grant, about an initiative ensuring that aspiring and current leaders have clear and rewarding career paths
How should schools address drug abuse?
There are increased reports of a dangerous trend on the rise again – students engaging in substance abuse
How are you developing students’ online habits?
To protect children from harmful online content, schools and parents should intervene early and instil good digital habits, say experts
How principals can help students build character
Leaders must develop character and competencies in students to set them up for a successful future, writes Matthew Flinders Anglican College principal Stuart Meade
Experts examine digital tech’s effect on kids
The Federal Government is leading a $35m study to investigate the damaging effects of children’s smartphone usage
Are schools keeping up with booming enrolments?
As Australia’s student population grows, state governments see no choice but to build more schools – but is this enough?
How principals can develop future leaders
The non-systemic nature of private schools has given rise to a distinctive model for the development of future school leaders, AHISA Beth Blackwood tells The Educator
What’s being done to help principals thrive?
The Educator looks at some of the work being done to improve the health, wellbeing and capacity of Australia’s school leaders