How RMIT is preparing students for the jobs of tomorrow
The Educator looks at how the Institute is giving its students the confidence, knowledge, skills and connections they need to succeed as industry-ready, lifelong learners in an ever-changing world
Charles Sturt students explore new STEM kits
The new kits are designed to help initial teacher education students develop curiosity and knowledge of STEM disciplines
Tertiary sector must boost career-ready courses – report
Australia’s tertiary education sector needs to influence beyond students and increase employability of courses, a new study shows
University using AI to defeat world’s biggest killer
The Educator speaks to University of Sydney Vice-Chancellor and Principal Dr Michael Spence about the ground-breaking program
Govt announces performance-based funding for universities
The new funding scheme aims to incentivise universities to focus on producing job-ready graduates with 21st Century skills
Is your open day an attention grabber?
Chris Strods, market research and data manager at QS Enrolment Solutions, tells The Educator how universities can ensure their open day is a memorable – and enticing one – for prospective students
‘A new degree for the next generation’
In an Australia first, La Trobe University has launched a degree combining humanities with business and emerging technologies
Bond launches ‘revolutionary’ degrees
The Educator speaks to Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) Keitha Dunstan about how the new suite of degrees will further enhance graduates’ employability and prepare them for the jobs of the future
ANU’s ‘bold new vision’ for the future
Australia’s top university has launched a new ‘master plan’ that will turn its campus into a vast network of new hubs linked by landscaped promenades
University’s visionary program recognised with national award
The Educator looks at how Swinburne University of Technology’s Industry 4.0 strategy is driving major innovations across its teaching and learning landscape