Woori Yallock Primary School (VIC)

Daniel Hyndman has managed to first halt and then reverse a period of decline at Woori Yallock Primary School, by successfully turning around the learning growth of students. With student numbers again starting to rise, and results that are well above expectations for the school, Hyndman was asked to present at the Australian Council for Educational Leaders Conference in 2014 on the topic, ‘How to raise literacy outcomes through a whole of school approach’. He is also presenting this year at the Creating a High Performance Learning Culture international conference. Thanks to Hyndman, the school has been acknowledged as being in the top 59 schools in Victoria and top 300 for learning growth in numeracy, is above the state average in nearly all areas measured in the Attitudes to School Survey and has also exceeded the state average for like schools in a number of dimensions of NAPLAN.

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