E A Southee Public School
In 2019, the school launched its Neoteric Innovative Learning Environment (NILE) Project to ensure Stage 3 students were engaged in their learning – an area that the school’s teachers had flagged as a concern. To implement the Project, the school took a Team approach with two teachers, a Student Learning Support Office and Mentor working across double classroom space. The learning environment built on the existing flexible seating model with addition of areas focussed on explicit teaching, independent learning and masterclasses for explicit teaching. Through the Project, the school has provided its students an education system that reduces the impact of disadvantage in its low socio-economic community and ensures young people in its care have the best opportunity to learn, grow and be safe in a positive culture of learning for the future. The NILE Project will be introduced across other stages across the school in 2020. As the demonstration school, E A Southee will share its project across its network, supporting other schools wishing to implement the Project.