In a quest to “educate girls for a technological future”, the only designated technology high school for girls in NSW is embracing all things digital.
And not least the iPad.
East Hills Girls Technology High School has put in place a comprehensive 1:1 iPad program, with Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 all benefiting from iPad access.
Treating it not just as a device, the school has built resources around it to enhance learning. For example, staff are provided with an iPad, planning time and professional learning. Each faculty has a teacher representative on the iPad team, allowing units of work to be created collaboratively and shared, while head teachers lead integration into the school’s everyday teaching and learning.
“Technology is helping students to learn.
Our school creates a rich multimedia learning environment in and out of school so that students can access information in a way that makes learning more worthwhile,” says deputy principal Annette Brunt.
So far, the school has used the iPad to introduce Minecraft and Into Science, while Smart Science gaming activities were used as part of a University of NSW research project exploring space and global issues in Years 9 and 10. Interactive textbooks and iTunes U are also part of the mix, while teachers use Showbie alongside Moodle and Edmodo for online assessments and feedback.