Bronwyn Dolling, Pacific Lutheran College

Bronwyn Dolling, Pacific Lutheran College


Bronwyn Dolling has established Pacific Lutheran College as an innovative, dynamic, and progressive kindergarten-to-year-12 institution that is underpinned by the values and traditions of excellence of Lutheran schooling across Australia. 

Principal at Pacific for nearly two decades, this well-respected leader inspires and empowers staff to draw on best practices from international educational research in curriculum design, structure, and delivery – all while maintaining a focus on developing young people to be compassionate, deep thinking, and socially just with the confidence and knowledge to tackle real-world challenges.

Under Dolling’s charge, the physical and virtual learning spaces at Pacific Lutheran College have been enhanced over the last 12 months to provide flexible learning spaces to support a personalised, integrated approach to teaching and learning. A new building that provides for both reception and administration has also been completed. Meanwhile, the recent establishment of a STEM classroom and media studies program have increased student options. Also introduced last year was a new learning management system. This plus the rapid upskilling in early 2020 provided a firm foundation for staff to facilitate online learning through early Term 2. 

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