This year, every Victorian VCE student will be individually assessed, with any adverse impacts from COVID-19 reflected in their ATAR ranking.
The announcement, by Victorian Education Minister, James Merlino, comes as the state’s students resume remote learning after Premier Andrews announced the implementation of Stage 4 restrictions this week.
Minister Merlino said today’s decision to assess VCE students individually will put them on “a level playing field with every student across the state”.
“We know that there are many students, many parents, who are worried about how COVID-19 will impact on their VCE scores and impact on their ATAR ranking,” Merlino said.
“This year is like no other, it is an unprecedented year and we need to support our students in an unprecedented way. This year we're going to do things very, very differently”.
‘An extraordinary change’
Merlino said the “extraordinary change” will factor in school closures, long absences and significant increases in family responsibilities as a result of COVID-19.
“We'll also consider the mental health and wellbeing of students during this period,” he said.
"So, all of those factors will be considered. So now, students will go into their VCE exams with the confidence knowing that they will not be disadvantaged as a result of COVID-19”.
Merlino said Victorian VCE students will go into their exams knowing that their final scores and their ATAR ranking will be a fair reflection of their year, and they will not be disadvantaged as a result of COVID-19.
"This is a way that we can give every student and every parent of a VCE student the comfort and the confidence that their student will receive their final scores that take into account their individual circumstances”.