I am concerned about the well-being of the teaching profession. These unprecedented times are putting huge demands on teachers with many experiencing a high level of personal and professional stress whilst they radically change their approach.
As well as dealing with the COVID crisis on a personal and family level, many teachers are also dealing with the professional challenges of transitioning to an online or remote mode of teaching. Many teachers are anxious about “getting it right” for their students.
Teachers are also at the forefront in the community. Parents expect staff in schools to be calm, unflustered and have all of the answers. That’s challenging in the current climate.
It has also been interesting to see the increase in regard held for the teaching profession, by many parents, as they endeavour to ‘home school’ their children with the early closure of many schools for the Easter break. Many parents have found that teaching isn’t as easy as they thought.
Now, more than ever, teachers and the great people who work in schools need support and inspiration. That has been the focus of our work through the Happy School program for the past 10 years.
As our contribution to the profession, in this difficult and demanding time, we will provide the TOP 20 Happy School articles, with our compliments to anyone who needs and deserves a boost.
Once a week they will receive a ONE PAGE article designed to support the awesome staff who work in schools and inspire them to persist in these challenging times.
Just CLICK HERE or head to https://www.happyschool.com.au/top-20-inspiring-articles/ to receive the articles completely free of charge and be part of the TOP 20 countdown!