While nearly 70% of the world is covered by water, only 2.5% of it is fresh – a figure likely to decline as the global population, and pollution, grows. As a result, governments and communities are taking action to address how to effectively conserve, manage, and distribute fresh water.
Doing their part to raise awareness around the importance of conservation, more than 200 Victorian schools recently took part in a state-wide school program teaching young people how to develop good water-saving habits.
These include projects about saving water at home, using recycled water in schools, learning about the harmful effects of microbeads in our water systems and how to care for and protect our natural environments and waterways.
On Tuesday, Victoria’s Minister for Water, Lisa Neville, joined students from primary and high schools across the state at the 11th annual Kids Teaching Kids conference in Parkville.
The Victorian Government has provided $200,000 to support the conference over two years, which has seen schools across the state develop lesson plans and learning models focused on water sustainability.
Minister Neville told The Educator that it’s important we teach children value of water so they can learn about water conservation and play an active role in Victoria's water future.
“We're encouraging schools to incorporate water conservation activities into lesson plans – it helps them develop good water-saving habits,” Minister Neville said.
Minister Neville added that young people can also play a part in keeping waterways healthy by becoming “citizen scientists” and monitoring wildlife, ensuring rubbish and plastic bags don't end up in waterways.
“We all have a role in responsible water use and by using water wisely we can help secure water supplies and create greener and more liveable communities now and into the future,” she said.
Tips for principals and schools:
- Create water-friendly gardens where students can build their own ponds or billabongs to monitor local wildlife such as frogs or fish.
- Conduct excursions to local waterways, reservoirs, creeks and rivers involving our local water corporations and agencies.
- Create your own recycling water systems outside classrooms
- Measure the schools water intake each day and look at how water consumption can be reduced
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