CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, and Chevron Australia have launched a new program, ‘Living STEM’, aimed at connecting students to Indigenous scientific knowledge in the classroom.
The Living STEM program, announced on 1 August, supports primary and secondary schools to embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander scientific knowledge in communities and classrooms through hands-on projects to increase student engagement and achievement in science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM).
Living STEM works with schools and communities to develop lessons that connect local Indigenous knowledge with the Australian science curriculum.
The program recognises and celebrates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as Australia’s first scientists; first engineers; and first mathematicians.
The name 'Living STEM’ was chosen to reflect that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge is shaping the future of STEM education as a living network intertwined with the Australian STEM curriculum and knowledge systems.
Ruth Carr, Director, CSIRO Education and Outreach, said Living STEM draws on community engagement principles of Two-way Science developed with Aboriginal desert schools which connects the cultural knowledge of the local community with Western science and the Australian curriculum.
“The Two-way Science model allows students to explore STEM subjects that value and connect with their cultural identity, leading to increased engagement and enthusiasm for learning,” Ms Carr said.
“Living STEM is another way to connect students to science in a meaningful and culturally interconnected way,”
Previous evaluation of this approach demonstrates the benefit of culturally relevant and tailored lessons for engaging not only students in learning, but also their families and communities who may otherwise experience barriers to engaging with their child’s education.
“Living STEM builds on CSIRO’s strengths in working with communities to design and deliver STEM education programs that embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledges.” Ms Carr said.
Living STEM has particular benefits for Aboriginal student wellbeing, engagement and achievement who see local culture reflected in the school learning program.
It also provides rich and engaging STEM learning opportunities for all students and fosters a deeper understanding of the country and culture where they live.
The program will benefit students, teachers and families, and will include professional development for teachers; events and seminars; workshops and community engagement; and classroom resources.
Chevron Australia’s General Manager Asset Development, Michelle LaPoint, said that the company is proud to partner with CSIRO to deliver the Living STEM program.
"We’re proud to partner with a well-respected organisation like CSIRO to deliver this exciting initiative,” LaPoint said.
“Living STEM encapsulates the benefits of learning from the world’s oldest continuing living culture and deepening the connection between First Nations' people and school children across Western Australia.”
The program will grow in stages, starting with schools and communities in the West Pilbara region of Western Australia.
An initial intake of 30 teachers and Aboriginal and Islander education officers is complete with a celebratory showcase event planned for November 2023.
This story originally appeared as a press release from the CSIRO.