A union says that principals are being over-burdened by running administration and financial systems in Queensland schools and should be given more resources.
Together is calling for the Department of Education and Training to do more to allow principals to devote more time to educational leadership and the curriculum.In its submission to the department’s Review of School Administration and Support the union acknowledges the work that the state has done to improve the education system and make it world-leading; but it warns that: “Without facilitating better local management of our school facilities and school administration, we will not see the benefit of increased investment in schools creating great educational outcomes for students.”
It makes various recommendations for how key roles should be supported and funded in order to ensure that principals and other teachers can in fact teach.
Among the suggestions is that Business Service Managers should be properly resourced and remunerated for the work that they do. It notes that this is a critical role in schools today but that the extent of their responsibilities has expanded over time. Together’s report highlights that if BSM’s were not in place in schools it would be principals picking up the slack in many non-teaching functions.
The union has also made submissions on the work of Schools Officers, Administrative Officers, IT support staff, Science Operations Officers, Agricultural Assistants, Unit Support Officers and others.
Overall the report calls for better recognition of the vast amount of work undertaken and the huge importance of the existence of these administration and support roles in Queensland’s schools and the detrimental effect to the system if they are not properly funded.