Want to build leadership capability in 2019?
There is a clear connection between school effectiveness and leadership. Schools are such complex places that it is essential that all school leaders are highly effective (including aspiring leaders).
Leadership teams have a huge impact on both the effective operation of the school and the school’s culture. A highly functioning leadership team operates like a slick machine, they use their time extraordinarily well, hold crisp meetings, are cognisant of the big picture and sensitive to the detail that impact on staff morale and engagement.
Schools are complex organisations, with many competing priorities, agendas and initiatives. According to teamwork guru Patrick Lencioni, the key to managing the complexity of schools is to identify a reasonable number of issues that will have the greatest possible impact on the success of your school, and then spend most of your time thinking about, talking about, and working on those issues. This needs to be the core work of school leaders.
“If everything is important, then nothing is.”
To support schools to build leadership capability, leading educator Steve Francis is offering a range of professional development sessions especially for school leaders and aspiring leaders in 2019. The sessions run from 1.30 to 4 pm and are being offered in a range of locations. Leaders and aspiring leaders can choose to attend just one session or all four.
Leading Highly Effective Staff Teams – term 1
Teamwork is essential in busy schools. The better that people work together and are aligned, the better outcomes the school will achieve. Highly effective teams are more efficient, effective and consistent. There are four 4 key aspects of Highly Effective Teams. Missing one aspect has a massive impact on team effectiveness.
What do your teams do well and what needs attention?
Getting Traction – Leveraging Your Time and Leadership – term 2
Working in schools is complex and challenging. Getting traction is vital as a school leader. In 2019 even more will be expected of you! This practical workshop has been especially developed for school leaders and aspiring leaders. It applies the best ‘time management’ practices. You will leave with skills, knowledge and tools to be more efficient and effective.
Are you leveraging one of the most valuable resources – time?
Building Trust – Today’s #1 Leadership Skill – term 3
Schools are people places. Trust is at the heart of all relationships. The ability to build trust with staff, students and parents is the number 1 leadership skill required. Trust impacts on the quality of every relationship, every communication and every situation we face in schools. Building Trust is vital! Covey’s 13 behaviours that build trust are simple, straight forward and immediately transferable to the challenges leaders face in schools.
Having good intentions is not enough. It is behaviour that counts!
Great School Cultures – What are they and How Do You Build Them? – term 4
Culture is the glue that holds everything together. The culture that exists in your school has a huge impact on school effectiveness and how staff behave. The influence of culture can be positive and fulfilling or negative and deflating. Managing culture is the most important work of the leadership team. Optimal results will only be achieved in an ideal culture.
What is your school’s culture and how does it compare with an ideal culture?
Locations and Dates for Leading Highly Effective Staff Teams – term 1, 2019
Brisbane – north Tuesday 26 Feb 2019
Brisbane – south Wednesday 27 Feb 2019
Sydney – St George Tuesday 26 March 2019
Sydney – Bankstown Wednesday 27 March 2019
Canberra Thursday 4 April 2019
Melbourne Monday 1 April 2019
Adelaide Thursday 7 April 2019
Would you like a session in your area? – Request it and we’ll see what we can do!
Click here for further information or book your place