Public schools 'left behind' as funding gap widens
New data highlights growing inequities in Australia's schools. With an election looming, the pressure is on for bipartisan education reform
New data highlights growing inequities in Australia's schools. With an election looming, the pressure is on for bipartisan education reform
Andy Mison, President of the Australian Secondary Principals Association, shares his insights
The Educator speaks to Dr Jenny Donovan, CEO of the Australian Education Research Organisation
Australia's peak teachers' union and the Greens are calling for the Federal Government to rethink its school funding plan
Australia's peak teachers' union says its members should not be expected to carry the burden of new reforms when their schools are not fully funded
A new range of free resources will help school leaders implement whole-school approaches to managing classroom behaviour
Australia's Education Ministers asked officials to work with stakeholders to provide greater support principals and school leaders
The Educator looks at what schools, universities and TAFEs can expect if Anthony Albanese becomes our next PM
The Educator looks at the reaction from the education sector to Tuesday nights' Federal Budget
The resources are the result of work by HPE teachers and academics from across Australia