Ebony-Jane Carroll, Monash University

Ebony-Jane Carroll, Monash University

Monash University        
Professional Practice Consultant

Ebony-Jane Carroll contributes to the magical world of early childhood by nurturing relationships between pre-service teachers and mentors and by offering her flair for creative writing. The 8-member professional consultant team she works with at Monash University began as a three-year pilot that eventually stayed on due to its successful efforts. In 2014, Carroll’s first children’s book “EGGS” garnered rave reviews. Early this year, she will release two titles, “Melancholy Dolly” and “The Yellow Leaf”. The former is about a doll wanting to empower young children to embrace life’s ups and downs; while the latter, co-authored by a child bereavement counsellor and illustrated by Caroline Keys, deals about grief and how youngsters journey through it. Carroll had also written three short films about professional experience for pre-service teachers in the early childhood, primary and secondary sectors. She is currently writing a feature-length children’s animation screenplay which she hopes to pitch to Hollywood someday. It’s perhaps the adult version of a child saying, “I want to be Superman when I grow up,” according to Carroll.