Last year, a report warned that vexing issues are ahead for young people as “the most significant disruption in the world of work since the industrial revolution” begins to have an impact in the next decade.
Further complicating this, a new survey has found that 79% of Australian students believe their education plays little to no part in preparing them for the workplace.
Some experts are now calling for the education system to be revamped so that students are learning real-world skills, such as preparing for interviews, writing an effective resume and understand the recruitment process.
To address this issue, Suzanne Bailey, a recruitment professional, launched The Interview Guide last year. Bailey is now imparting her inside knowledge of the recruitment industry to students in Western Australian schools.
So far, Bailey has worked with Corpus Christi College and Mercedes College, where she has reached more than 60 students in Years 10, 11 and 12 through her company’s workshops.
“The students we reach out to are usually in both the vocational and school space, so not only are they going to school, they’re also attending TAFE one day a week, or various other classes,” Bailey told The Educator.
“Almost all of them have found the workshops to be very fun, engaging and of great value. The students now feel that they have a much better understanding of the recruitment process.”
Bailey said she offers to personally critique each resume so that students can get a better understanding of employer expectations and decision-making.
And it’s not only students who benefit from the workshops, says Bailey.
“There are many teachers and principals out there who can benefit too, because the interview process in education is quite different to that of other industries. These workshops can help them look at the recruitment process in a new way,” she said.
“I’m coming in as a recruiter, explaining the behind-the-scenes workings of recruitment, so I’m pulling down the walls and sharing the knowledge that isn’t open to everybody else.”
Bailey said one of the hardest things to get students to understand is the significance that a phone screen plays in the interview process.
“A phone screen is the first time that a recruiter talks to the voice that is a resume, and it’s one of the most valuable things they need to learn,” she said.
“Big companies are using social media and other modern technology in their interview processes, so these are skills that students really need to learn.”
Bailey referred to examples such as McDonalds using snap-chat and Bras and Things conducting video screen interviews.
Carlos Notarpietro, the associate principal at Belridge Secondary College, located in Beldon, WA, told The Educator that an Interview Guide workshop will be held at his school on Wednesday.
“We agreed to trial Suzanne’s program as she promises to bring her impressive experience and insights gained in commercial recruitment to support our students in making an informed transition from school,” he said.
“While our college does employ a career and VET co-ordinator, and students have access to one to one career guidance, out staff lack recent [any] experience in the recruitment industry, hence Suzanne’s workshop is of interest to students and parents wishing to avail themselves of this service in a convenient and familiar location.”